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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Account Creation

    You can create a PSE EASy account anytime.

    The PSE encourages first time PSE EASy users to register and create their PSE EASy accounts before an IPO for fast and easy subscription during an offer period.

    Once you have regsitered, the username cannot be changed anymore.

    If you forgot your password, click the “Forgot Password” button and a temporary password will be sent to your registered e-mail address, Use the temporary password to log in. Upon logging in, you will be required by the system to create a new password. Simply key in the system-generated temporary password in the “Old Password” field and key in your new password in the “New Password” field.

    Yes. You may edit the TIN in your PSE EASy account as long as your account is not yet validated by your selected trading participant (TP). The TIN field is locked once the TP has validated your account. If that is the case, simply ask your TP to delete you from its client list. Then you will be able to edit your TIN and add your TP again.

    Yes. You can only select one (1) TP for your LSI subscription for a particular IPO.

    While the PSE EASy registration process requires you to select only one (1) TP, you may add another TP after your account has been created. To do this, click the “My Trading Participants” button from the main menu and then click the “Add Trading Participant” button and select your additional stockbroker. PSE EASy will then as the stockbroker you added to also verify your account.

    You have to confirm your account through the verification e-mail sent to you address.

    For Gmail users, check inbox categories as the verification mail may not be reflected in your main inbox.

    The PSE EASy website is best viewed using the latest version of the commonly used browsers. The minimum version requirements are the following:

    • Chrome 35
    • Mozilla 12.0
    • Internet Explorer 10
    • Opera 22.0
    • Safari 10

    Subscription, Payment and Allocation

    The maximum subscription amount per individual under the LSI is ₱100,000.00.

    No. You may only subscribe once through PSE EASy. As such, the total amount cannot be divided in tranches for multiple subscriptions. Similarly, you may only submit one (1) LSI application using one (1) TP per IPO.

    Yes. You may revise your IPO subscription provided that you have not paid for the shares. To do this, return to the Active Event page of the website, access the Application to Purchase fields again, this time with your correct subscription details.

    The payment method is determined by the Issuer’s Receiving Agent. Please check the LSI Guidelines released by the Issuer days before the offer period. Payment details are also available to PSE EASy users upon confirmation of shares subscription.

    The deadline of payment is on the last day of the offer period. The cut off time is determined by the Issuer’s Receiving Agent but is typically at 12:00 PM or at the close of banking hours of Receiving Agent’s banking arm. You may refer to the LSI Guidelines of the Issuer for the actual cut off time.

    You will receive an e-mail confirmation one to two working days after the payment date.

    The Underwriter allocates LSI share after the offer period. An “Allocated” status will be reflected on the Subscription Details of your PSE EASy account. An e-mail will also be sent to you to inform you about your shares allocation.

    No. You will not see the shares in your PSE EASy account as these shares will be lodged in your trading account. The shares will be available on the Issuer’s listing day.

    The Receiving Agent will coordinate with you for the refund process.

    Yes. You may subscribe to IPO shares through your TP on top of your PSE EASy subscription. The LSI tranche of an IPO is separate from the shares allocated to TP’s.

    The Philippine Stock Exchange Inc. respects and protects your personal data privacy. To learn how the PSE processes and protects the confidentiality of any personal and sensitive personal information that you may provide, please read carefully, and click the “I AGREE” button if you agree to the terms stated in Privacy Policy.